Roeper Space Group 2

Space Group 3.0 / (Notes)
Radio broadcast for kids in public schools. Blog making. Video TV. Video blogs. FlyPen is Cool! 70th Observatory Anniversary DVD. Discussed ideas. Watched historical DVD. Oil problem: Will we run out....When? Explored submarine. This place was built by two bridge engineers. And the Cranbrook Planetarium and Observatory are the McMath Planetariam and the Hulbert Observatory. Ideas may seem "stupid" but some can make you a millionaire. Go for the stuff that interests you and not what you don't like. Filter to see the sun without killing your eyes. Used to be someone observing at the eye-piece for 6 hour shifts.

So far today we saw a one-man sub we also learned that R & D means Research and Devlopment. Thanksgiving marked the date that fifty percent of all known oil is gone. We have about 37 years left in the U.S. "IDEAS ARE POWERFUL" the connection between a solar observatory and a one-man submarine is one enables us to observe the sun and the submarine enables us to observe underwater. In the telescope tower we learned that the telescope was built in france, and was originally 10 inches in diameter. It takes 4 mirrors make a solar image one of them is curved.
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